painsavvy walk & talk

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What is it?

PainSavvy Walk & Talk Community Program

Whether you are a person living with pain, care about someone living with pain or you’re just curious, everyone is welcome to this free program for preventing and overcoming persistent pain! Please share widely.

Did you know that…

  • learning about pain combined with movement and social interaction can help reduce pain?!
  • advances in pain science research can help you get back to moving and get back to what’s important to you?!

Join me for a talk about science informed pain management and recovery strategies followed by an outdoor group walk. Join for just the talk or walk as much or as little as you like at your own pace! There are some benches in the park that provide a place to stop and rest and there are some restrooms. I’ll be walking for roughly 25 minutes and I hope you’ll join me!

Led by: Mari Hodges, MScMed (Pain Management), TPS, M.AmSAT

Hosted by: Missoula Public Library


Why should I do it?

If you or someone you know lives with pain, or if you’re interested in pain science and pain management, there are at least 3good reasons to join us!

  1. Learning about pain helps you feel safer to move, worry less, increase movement and confidence, and get more benefitout of exercise.
  2. Walking is a great way to engage in exercise at your own pace. And exercise is important for your health, and better health helps reduce pain.
  3. You’ll have fun! Meaningful social activity improves mental and physical health, and helps with pain too!

What are the talks about?

Here’s the tentative schedule of topics for the upcoming months. Feel free to suggest a pain-related topic you’d like to hear about.
September 22 How pain works & why knowing helps reduce pain
October 13  Back pain
October 27 Fibromyalgia (@ 210 Higgins #207 & online)
November 10 Neck pain
November 24 Osteoarthritis (knee & other) pain
December 8 Mind-body approaches
January 12 TBD
January 26 TBD
February 9 TBD
February 23 TBD

When is it?

Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 1:00pm through the beginning of December.

How long is it?

The talk is approximately 25 minutes and the walk is approximately 25 minutes.


Where is it held?

Talk: We will be meeting at the Blackfoot Room on the 4th floor of the Missoula Public Library at 455 East Main Street in downtown Missoula.

Join online at

Walk: surrounding area and river walk

We’ll be walking outdoors unless there’s really inclement weather, so dress appropriately and come learn about improving pain, increase movement and confidence, and have fun!


How much does it cost?

There’s no cost! This is a free community program led by Mari Hodges and hosted by the Missoula Public Library. No registration required.

More information

Pain is the #1 reason people seek medical care. Without a modern understanding of pain, evidence informed care, which includes active and psychological therapies and self-management, doesn’t make sense to clinicians or people experiencing pain. It’s now known without a shred of doubt that learning about pain combined with movement and social interaction can help reduce pain! This free program is about equipping people with the knowledge and skills to prevent and overcome persistent pain.

If you’re not sure if this program is for you, check with your healthcare professional first. It’s good to know, however, that physical activity is one of the best treatments for almost every pain condition, including “end-stage” arthritis.  (If you’d like to learn more, see this video of leading pain researcher Dr. Tasha Stanton.)


Q: Can I get advice for my pain condition?
A: We can’t provide any diagnoses or guidance on individual issues. The content discussed during PainSavvy Walk & Talk events is for general education and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you hear during this event. The information you learn here can inform your discussions with your healthcare provider.

Q: Do I have to walk?
A: You can walk as much or as little as you want! You can also go at your own pace. The walk part of the event will be
approximately 25 minutes. There are bathrooms and some benches where you can sit and rest in the park.

Q: What kind of pain are you talking about?
A: We’ll generally be talking about persistent pain (as opposed to acute injuries). Talks will include a variety of different persistent pain conditions (like back pain, osteoarthritis, neck pain, fibromyalgia…). Topics might come from what the group is interested
in, too.

Q: Will you talk about medications for pain?
A: No. Talks will only be about nonpharmacological strategies – of which there are many!

Q: Can I invite other people?
A: Yes! All are welcome! The program is free and no registration is required.

Q: How can I get on the mailing list?
A: Go to for the mailig list signup.

Let’s move to improve!

For more information, contact Mari Hodges at the contact listed below.

Warm wishes,

Mari Hodges, MScMed (Pain Management), TPS, M.AmSAT

(406) 544-4625



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