Equilibrio en la vida

Equilibrio en la vida

Equilibrio en las 7 esferas de la vida Estoy contenta porque volví a correr. Había dejado hace tres meses y me costó hacerlo una prioridad otra vez. Tuve tantas otras cosas importantes que hacer. Pero empecé a notar que algo me faltaba. (¡Definitivamente nada falta en...
Equilibrio en la vida

Balance in the seven realms

I’m happy to be back running again. I had stopped for about three months and I had a hard time making it a priority again. I had all these other important things to do. But I started to realize that I was missing something in order to have balance in my life. (But...
My struggle with how to hold my violin

My struggle with how to hold my violin

I’m going to go out on a limb with this blog. I don’t know how best to hold my violin and I’m frustrated. What I do know is that if I keep doing what I do know, I won’t be able to do something I don’t know, to paraphrase the words of F.M. Alexander. I don’t know how...