by Mari Hodges | Nov 25, 2017 | Español, Posts español, Uncategorized
Equilibrio en las 7 esferas de la vida Estoy contenta porque volví a correr. Había dejado hace tres meses y me costó hacerlo una prioridad otra vez. Tuve tantas otras cosas importantes que hacer. Pero empecé a notar que algo me faltaba. (¡Definitivamente nada falta en...
by Mari Hodges | Nov 25, 2017 | English, Posts English
I’m happy to be back running again. I had stopped for about three months and I had a hard time making it a priority again. I had all these other important things to do. But I started to realize that I was missing something in order to have balance in my life. (But...
by Mari Hodges | Nov 23, 2017 | English, Posts English
I’m going to go out on a limb with this blog. I don’t know how best to hold my violin and I’m frustrated. What I do know is that if I keep doing what I do know, I won’t be able to do something I don’t know, to paraphrase the words of F.M. Alexander. I don’t know how...
by Mari Hodges | Nov 23, 2017 | English, Posts English, Uncategorized
Looking down without getting a crick in your neck The other day a woman coming for Alexander Technique classes remarked that everything we do at home and at work involves looking down. And she showed me how she has to look down at everything, from the phone on her...
by Mari Hodges | Nov 18, 2017 | English, Posts English
Do you suffer from “guitar neck” or “computer neck”? There is a lot of talk these days about “text neck,” the phenomenon of necks bent forward at the base of the neck and the resulting crick in the neck. It’s not just when we use the cell phone that it happens,...
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